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Knowledge Process Outsourcing & (KPO) service provider in India.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


If you were to look at many large corporations such as Sprint, Dell, and so on, you would find a number of jobs are outsourced overseas. Outsourcing is nothing new but the trend of global outsourcing has ignited a firestorm of controversy.

North American businesses are increasingly outsourcing business functions to companies outside of the United States. Often this outsourcing is seamless to the outside world. The company maintains control over the processes and results, while certain business functions are quietly conducted in another country. Companies often benefit from reduced operating costs and an eager workforce. For the employees, particularly those in struggling economies, they are afforded higher wages and an increased standard of living.

While this may seem to be a win-win proposition for all, it does not come without its share of naysayers who believe that this practice is further eroding the already shaky North American economy. To understand this controversy, we must look at why companies decide to outsource as well as the type of jobs being outsourced. Companies cite a variety of reasons for outsourcing from lack of qualified, available labor to cost concerns. Unfortunately, while many people in the United States want to work and some actively seek positions, sometimes these individuals are not qualified or unreliable. To the company, this creates a risk of missed deadlines, understaffing and its inherent consequences, under production, and so on.

Cost and competition raise another issue. Businesses around the country are vying for ways to reduce cost while increasing effectiveness and productivity. By using overseas outsourcing, companies are able to save on one of the largest line item expenses in business - human capital. Consider alone the skyrocketing cost of healthcare in the United States. Businesses can spend an additional $8000 - 10,000 per employee, per year on benefits alone. When added to salaries, workers compensation, and operational expenses it is easy to see why global outsourcing becomes an option.

Global outsourcing can also offer competitive advantages. Companies can take advantage of specialized knowledge and emerging technologies by outsourcing certain processes to other countries. In this way a company can hire those leading an industry and leverage that competitive advantage in the marketplace.

The underlying discontent with global outsourcing has to do with wages. In example, outsourcing to countries such as India and Mexico enables companies to pay much lower wages than they would pay North American workers. With an abundance of people in foreign countries interested in making higher North American wages, finding help is never a problem. For instance, a telecommunications company pays a customer service representative in the United States between $20,000 and $30,000 per year on average. If the company were to turn the same job over to someone in another country, they would likely pay between $10,000 and $15,000. For the foreign worker this salary enables them to significantly raise their standard of living while the same salary would be at the poverty level for North Americans. For the company and the overseas worker it is a win-win situation. However, this also means workers in the United States are being forced out of or passed over for jobs - thus the controversy.

American Express was one of the first companies to publicly come under fire for global outsourcing. Dell too has come under attack for basing customer service in India. United States customers complain about the language barrier and lack of service but neither company has suffered the loss of profits as a result of outsourcing.

From the viewpoint of the overseas' employee, they simply want to make a decent living. With jobs difficult to find in their own country, accepting an outsourced job is a gift from Heaven. These people often make 100% or more of what they could make in their own country, which makes outsourcing highly profitable and very attractive. Obviously, with so much at stake, the outsourced workers are willing to be trained, to follow rules to the tee, to respect authority, and be to work on time, every time.

As you can see, outsourcing overseas is a huge dilemma, with growing concern. When you consider the growing positions being outsourced, the concern rises. Although you might generally think of customer support as being the number one outsourced job, you might be surprised. Below is a list of other jobs that are often outsourced:

* Customer Service - Although this was not one of the original aspects of a business outsourced, we now see a huge number of companies, small to large, using overseas services in all areas of customer support.

* Data Analysis - The amount of data being generated by companies throughout the United States is staggering. In most cases, conducting market analysis and reviewing trends is crucial to a number of industries. For instance, much of the data coming out of the New York Stock Exchange is sent to India where it goes through a complete analysis process. * Research - Research is also another large area where overseas outsourcing is used. In this case, companies will outsource large or portions of large research projects to people in other countries, which covers everything imaginable such as pharmaceutical trials to genetics to nano stocks.

* Engineering Design - More and more, we see engineering design being outsourced. Typically, companies in the United States establish what is known as an Offshore Development Center or ODC, which includes a number of design fields such as architectural, mechanical, hardware, structural, and product.

* Medicare - Many people are unaware that Medicare is also outsourced to foreign countries. Services provided by employees could include data entry of doctor's transcripts to interpretation of an MRI, CAT scan, or other medical imaging processes.

* Art and Animation - With different countries offering unique levels and genres of creativity, a company needing a website, illustrations, artwork, book cover design, television show, graphic art, and other similar functions would turn to other countries for fresh ideas

* Legal - Finally, we also see legal support services being outsourced overseas. Although professional services would not be included, we do see some of the more low-level tasks such as data entry of legal documents or transcripts and patent searches being performed.

Although outsourcing to other countries has been done since the early part of the 1990s, it has become a multi-billion dollar business for other countries. Although many of the workers are low skilled, they are again, eager and willing to work. The trend of outsourcing will likely to continue to expand. We often view the negative impact to North American workers but the reality is we too benefit from outsourcing.

Many small businesses provide services to other countries. Writers, web developers, marketing consultants and many others build a business that is largely global. These small businesses are often started by laid off or out placed corporate employees. Other countries outsource to the United States for the same reasons we do - specialized knowledge, lower costs, and qualified labor. Let's face it the world has changed. The debate over outsourcing is unlikely to subside any time soon, but the rules will continue to be written.

About the Author

Richard A. Hall is founder and President/CEO of LexTech, Inc., a legal information consulting company. Mr. Hall has a unique breadth of experience which has enabled him to meld technology and sophisticated statistical analysis to produce a technology driven analytical model of the practice of law. As a busy civil trial attorney, he was responsible for the design and implementation of a LAN based litigation database.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 9:14 PM | link | 5 comments |

Complete Software Outsourcing Project on Schedule

In areas of China and the Asia Pacific, most of software outsourcing projects are accounted at a fixed rate, and this contract mode brings a mistaken concept to firms that it will cause inconvenience but have no effect on project investment because of this project delay. In fact, any delay of project not only causes inconvenience but also affect operation and benefit of firms. If a new business can't be put out into marker by reasons of not ready for its software or information related, and others occupy the opportunity, how it will affect the firm. Or a project is developed for simplify internal workflow and improve work efficiency, then delays of the project will prolong the operational choke point and increase operational costs. All these affect a lot on benefits of company directly or indirectly, not merely on the matter if investment will increase or reduce。 However, in Europe and America, outsourcing projects are mainly accounted by actual numbers of work days, so it will impel to overspend if project is delayed.In this case, to avoid project delay is an important target to judge management capability of project manager. Project managers have to monitor schedules and risks of outsourcing project effectively to avoid delay of project and extra development charges. We can learn this management idea to manage outsourcing projects in China to guarantee that project can be achieved before deadline. 1. Establish Our Own Project Plan As a project manager, you can not adopt project plan of outsourcing provider completely and chuckle to yourself to pass over project planning. Even if it is an outsourcing project, you have to make a full project plan by yourself, then you will know exactly about the whole workloads, evaluate the price to negotiate with outsourcing provider, ensure technicians who will be involved, judge if outsourcing provider can provide sufficient resources and if the promised time is feasible. Having made the project plan, firms should require outsourcing provider to provide a full development plan before starting the project. In order to avoid numerous paperwork, some outsourcing provider usually claim that the plan provided before signing contract is the whole project plan. This tell us that they have no system of integrity on development management and project management,and their project manager is not suitable for his job. Any employable project manager should realize that the preliminary plan for delivering the project made in period of contract negotiation can't be all-around, and it needs modification to be a feasible plan according to actual contents of the contract, add actual workloads, assignment of resources, and time required. After getting the project plan from outsourcing provider, we need compare and check it with our own plan carefully to understand if it tallies with requirements of the project, that is workflow of the whole project, contents, estimated workloads and arrangement of resources. It is necessary to clarify timely and make it acceptable to each other if there are obvious difference. The project will be started formally after the project plan of outsourcing provider has been confirmed, and now it's time to monitor the project. 2.Concerned On Evaluating the Schedule Outsourcing contract should ask outsourcing provider to provide schedule reports regularly. I have seen many project schedule reports, and they are different a lot in contents, however, most of them explain definitely which parts have been completed, which parts are going on, which parts will be taken up in next report period, and whether the work has been completed on time or not, even more, some use different colors such as red, yellow and green to show status of progress.Basically speaking, all these information can only allow directors to see the project roughly,but can't make the project manager hold the schedule of the project in hand. In my opinion, the best way is that we should know how many tasks have not been finished, how long they will be complete, which parts have not start and will they start as scheduled, and is there any change on planned resources. If answers are different from original plan, we are supposed to question ourselves immediately, find out main reasons why the task haven't been finished or why not start according to the schedule. Consequently we can discuss it with outsourcing provider, how to bring the project into normal schedule. Such finished tasks have become history to us and they have little effect on the schedule of the project. The parts haven't been completed or haven't start are the key of project, and they are in need of monitoring in particular We need confirm the schedule reports offered by outsourcing provider to make sure if tasks have been actually finished as planned. The best way is when each program module is finished, we need let outsourcing provider to list original codes and testing results of the program. And let technicians and user representatives check the results to confirm that work provided by outsourcing provider has been finished in fact. This procedure of confirmation doesn't mean we do not trust outsourcing provider. We simply want to confirm if the schedules of the project have been finished as planned, and ensures the person in charge is able to report to boss about the accurate status of the schedule. 3.Closely Associated When Checking and Accepting The biggest risk of the software outsourcing project is not in development progress, but appears after the project has been finished.Many of them often turn up problems in program logic or editing range of data entry during checking and accepting period, which result in differences between testing result and real requirement, outsourcing provider cannot but modify a lot to result in project delay. Sometimes, outsourcing provider complains that it 's not their fault. Avoiding these risks, you'd better check and accept the project at the same time of developing, but not to do it until tasks have been closed. It is not a proper idea that some firms put it as a last work to check and accept. Checking and accepting of project should be on it's way, begins and ends at the same time of project development, and then can make sure the final procedure of checking and accepting successful. Another mistake in software development is to ask developer to create testing data for module testing and system testing. Technicians have limited knowledge of business operation, and only users know ranges of these data and what information of the data is accurate. Therefore, an experienced project manager usually asks user representatives to assist its module and system testing in project process, and establish testing data for technician testing. Testing data of every module are offered by users. To prevent us from disputing, outsourcing project is suggested to test with this method. When outsourcing provider delivers original codes list and testing report of each module, users and technicians of firm check it together, and guarantee the results consistency between testing and users' data, and at last check and accept the system successfully, and cause no fatal delay. 4.Distributing Time in Reason It is more complicated to manage an outsourcing project than develop it internal, and more milestones are necessary to be established to monitor the schedule of the project.More communication and negotiation are needed; firm members should cooperate with the schedule of outsourcing provider constantly and supply with data needed for testing, all these will be handled in extra time. Generally speaking, it supposes that an internal project will be completed in 500 workdays, 50~75 workdays are for project management, about 10%~15% of the entire workloads. And the same 500 workdays of outsourcing project needs another 75~110 extra days to manage this project. In other words, it takes 15%~22% of workloads for firms to manage outsourcing provider. Certainly, these data are only for reference for software development outsourcing projects, every project and outsourcing provider have difference management requirements. However, it is an unchangeable rule of project management, we can not think that outsourcing allows us have no management requirement.

About the Author

Steven ZHAO is a MBA and CTO of BPWork.com Info-Tech Co., Ltd,- A professional offshore outsourcing services provider company in China & Australia specializing in Data entry and processing, Software development, Software testing, Database support, Website design, Software localization, Multimedia localization and BPO. http://www.bpwork.com

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 9:13 PM | link | 1 comments |

Mirasoft Group Shares Its Experience In The Field Of RAD-Platform Development at UOF 2006

This autumn the III Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum took place in Kiev, Ukraine. The UOF was participated by the representatives from over 150 companies from twenty countries, including leading providers of IT offshore outsourcing services from Eastern and Central Europe.

As a leading representative of Ukrainian IT outsourcing market, Mirasoft Group took an active part in the Forum. The president of the company was invited as an expert in round table discussions and took floor at the conference with the report "Technology tools development niche in outsourcing". The report was dedicated to the RAD-platforms development and was based of the Mirasoft's experience in the field. As a case study, he presented Mirapolys - the unique RAD-platfrom, developed by Mirasoft Group.

Mirapolys is a unique platform for rapid development and simple modification of various business applications with the user-friendly intuitive interface. It enables a developer to create solutions, embracing all the processes of the customer enterprise, in correspondence with the today's market requirements. On the basis of Mirapolys one can easily develop Client/Server CRM, eBusiness, Call Centers, Sales Configurations, Opportunity Management and many other business solutions. One of the platform's advantages is the opportunity to minimize the efforts required for new solutions developing and already existing ones modification, and it means cost and time reduction.

Mirapolys' powerful and extensive tools provide multi-functionality of applications, high level of their flexibility, scalability and reliability. They to a great extent advantage to that the final product will completely correspond to customer's requirements. The solutions, designed on the basis of Mirapolys platform, are open for further modification, and the process of changes input and new modules creation is quite simple. The platform peculiarity is also its orientation to specific functions of non-standard business applications. Hence, there is one more advantage - the uniqueness of the applications, created on Mirapolys: customer receives the unique solution, necessary for his business, and doesn't tailor his processes and requirements to the already existing system.

About Ukrainian Outsourcing Forum 2006

Since last conducting in Autumn, 2005, the Forum has both considerably grown in scale, and significantly widened the subjects tackled. Along with the "obligatory" IT Outsourcing aspects - global trends in offshore software development, situation in Ukraine, etc. - the "brand-new" topics were elucidated. For the first time the separate sections were dedicated to outsourcing of soft-, embedded ware development and testing services. In the framework of the conference B2B meetings and round table discussions were organized.

About Mirasoft Group

Mirasoft Group is a professional software developing center, offering a complete cycle of offshore software development and IT outsourcing services: analysis, design, programming, testing, system reengineering, integration, maintenance and support. Working at the IT-market during more than 17 years, the company has acquired a vast experience and unique knowledge in the field of RAD-platforms and CRM / ERP solutions development, which allows it to develop successfully own product line, including various business applications.

About the Author

I'm working in Mirasoft Group - professional IT outsourcing services provider.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 9:10 PM | link | 0 comments |

Unrest has little effect on Philippine outsourcing market

"The administration of President [Gloria] Macapagal-Arroyo has seen its share of political instability over the last five years. The most significant of these was the Oakwood Mutiny of July 2003. Like most social movements manifesting unrest towards government policy, the Oakwood Mutiny was originally perceived to have long-term drastic effects in the economy. This was eventually proven to be untrue for the local and offshore IT industry in this country as the resilience of Philippine society prevailed in succeeding years.

Analysts found renewed growth for the remainder of 2003 and the event being relegated to being a mere nuisance," XMG Inc. told in a statement, as quoted by INQ7.net. The IT research firm also believes the recent pronouncement of state of emergency, which has now been lifted, and the ruckus at the Philippine marine headquarters carry "no fundamental negative effects to (the country's) economic growth."

In the short term, XMG expects some offshore contracts to be suspended or cancelled owing "to insufficient understanding of the real meaning behind events of social unrest in Philippine society." But the sentiment will get better in less than a year so long as the country does not suffer further political unrest.

He indicate that the state of emergency has minimal impact on the country's outsourcing market. Service providers have continued to take on a "business as usual" attitude though they admitted that regular business meetings experienced disruptions due to political protests. Nasdaq-listed ICT Group, Inc., for example, revealed plans to expand its operations while eTelecare Global Solutions announced it will recruit over 3,000 new agents in the Philippines. Nevertheless, "the current situation in the Philippines heightens the need for companies to have multiple global sourcing locations and to have multi-country, multi-location disaster recovery plans in place," PRNewswire quoted neoIT CEO Atul Vashistha as saying.

According to the Business Process Association of the Philippines, the Board of Investments and the Commission on Information and Communications Technology, the Philippine outsourcing industry is expected to create 103,000 new jobs in 2006, a 44-percent increase from 2005. This is in spite of the threat coming from other countries like India and China.

Additionally, the outsourcing industry is expected to bring in $3.7 billion in revenues this year. Among the outsourced industries in the Philippines are information technology, call center work, animation and software development. All these sectors are bullish about the prospects of growth. The Philippine animation industry is currently a $40 million business, while the global animation outsourcing industry is valued at $72 billion. The BOI also noted a significant increase of information technology-related projects that registered in 2005. The biggest growth is expected in the outsourced call center with a projected 70-percent growth.

The booming outsourcing industry in the Philippines is considered vital in keeping the country's economy viable. The government recognizes this fact, which is why incentives had been drawn up for foreign companies planning to set up offshore offices here.

The local outsourcing industry is seen to continue growing because of an ever growing demand from the United States. The Philippines remains the most favored nation for outsourcing ventures, after India because of the Filipinos' excellent knowledge of the English language as well as their familiarity with Western culture owing to the country's historical affinity. Another factor is the Filipinos' culture of hospitality which allowed them to carve a niche for quality customer service.

Global Sky is a US owned and operated call center based in the Philippines offering US Quality at Offshore Rates. Find out more about Philippines call centers and call center outsourcing. Also check out our call center services.

About the Author

Global Sky is a US owned and operated call center based in the Philippines offering US Quality at Offshore Rates. Find out more about Philippines call centers and call center outsourcing. Also check out our call center services.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 9:06 PM | link | 0 comments |

Monday, November 26, 2007

Outsourcing - keeping the right track on good entrepreneurship

What is keeping a business through outsourcing successful? There is no specific answer to this question but it is proper to say that there are a lot of different ways where outsourcing and success is clasped together. However, it should be noted that the way to successful outsourcing is not done on an easy basis, it takes time and mastery for business to grow and develop the way it is wanted. However, when speaking of ways to battle off barriers in outsourcing process, one thing remains definite---- there are general steps that should be taken into notice. There are points shared by experts regarding getting a successful outsourcing output. Getting a good bargain of great services at a lower cost is only met when there is knowledge on the right thing to do at a certain situation. Observance and analysis in business is one important factor on keeping track on success. Problems occurring in the operation of outsourcing should be dealt with on a matter of "preventing the hole into getting any bigger". According to the article of Dwayne Phillips on "How People Drive the Outsourcing Process", the usual problem encountered on outsourcing is miscommunication. "Outsourcing projects have an additional set of people--- the outsource developers. More people mean more lines of communications, more opportunities in miscommunication, and more misunderstandings and mistakes", Phillips wrote. In order to smooth out or at least lessen this kind of problem, it is better to clear things out from the very beginning, before outsourcing gets matters complicated. Any projects in outsourcing should be completed and written fully to avoid any miscommunications among the parties involved within the process. In addition, agreements between the vendor and buyer should also be clear in order to avoid problems with pricing and scope of services. In the article, "How to negotiate an International Outsourcing Contract" by Gene T. Barton, et. al., it is advised that a "thoughful contractual agreement" should be followed. Contractual agreement between parties is full of complexities. Entrepreneurs should have a better understanding on the matters of business and legality. By doing so, companies could have a grasp of bargaining to reach the necessary cost savings. Moreover, outsourcing negotiations should be aligned proper to the economy of scale. According to Danny Ertel and Sara Parker in their article, "Outsourcing: Getting Off on the Right Foot", not all outsourcing relationships are created equally. "As might expected, many buyers aspire to keep their providers closer toward the lower price/less integration end of the spectrum, while providers often aim to integrate further (thereby enhance their margins). These diverging viewpoints over the type of relationship each side wants create tension over time, as the provider pushes to deepen and strengthen the relationship while the buyer struggles to keep the provider at arm's length", the article further explains. As outsourcing is mostly a customer-based relationship, entrepreneurs should never set a fixed price. Meeting halfway is the best way to sort any tension that might arise. Agreement on a healthy relationship between the two parties will develop into a "prioritized set of joint critical success factors, based on the high-level goals each side hopes to achieve". All the above tips are still subject for change. As said before, there are no specifics as to whether success is met. However, it should always be remembered that entrepreneurs who want to have continuity of success in outsourcing should always be ready for any changes that occurs within the economy.

About the Author

Global Sky is a US owned and operated call center based in the Philippines offering US Quality at Offshore Rates. Find out more about Philippines call centers and call center outsourcing. Also check out our call center services.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:48 PM | link | 0 comments |

iTechArt Group - Custom software development and DotNetNuke consulting

Custom Software Development Company http://www.itechart.com/

iTechArt Group is a first class custom software development and software outsourcing company with headquarter in Matawan, NJ, USA. Our offshore development center is located in Eastern Europe. We are specialists in the development of custom software applications and offshore software outsourcing services. We have solid experience bringing products from concept to release in a variety of environments: .NET, ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, J2EE, Delphi, AJAX, Flash and many more.

TechArt Company provides full cycle software development services. From solution design and software development to application support and enhancement, iTechArt provides a compelling alternative to reduce development costs, while gaining an experienced, technically proficient IT partner to improve the quality of software solutions and compress development time and time to market. According to your specific needs and budget, we will develop the optimal custom software solution meeting urgency of the business need and productivity statement. At iTechArt we use the most effective technologies to offer our customers applications which are tailored specifically to their requirements and within their budget.

By providing our customers with the highest-skilled teams and a world-class infrastructure, we can ensure the quality and reliability of the products we build for you.

iTechArt product development servicesinclude:

* Product Design and Analysis * Prototyping * Incremental Development Approach * Full Product Testing Cycle * Customization Services * Localization Services * Integration Services * Product Support * Documentation

iTechArt's technology and process expertise is the foundation of all the service offerings it provides. Our world-leading technology partners help us to build the best business solutions for our customers.

To exceed client expectations iTechArt Company uses a transparent development model which creates an unprecedented capability to solve complex business and technology problems at affordable costs while balancing:

* On-site experienced consultants and managers with deep industry knowledge * Reliable management with vast expertise * Skilled teams of expert systems engineers, developers and designers * Web-based project management methodologies and tools to guide the distributed development process

Advantages of partnering with iTechArt Company:

* Years of cross-industry expertise in building customized enterprise applications to automate business processes and improve operational efficiency and management effectiveness * Strong, validated, and certified project delivery model * A phased-gate approach that begins with requirements gathering and analysis to provide recommendations and arrive at a common vision before any development begins

With iTechArt as your software development partner, you can reach your business goals faster and with greater cost-efficiency.

About the Author

Alex Bromberg co-founded iTechArt Group in 2003 back when he had more hair on his head, less hair on his face, and all of it was brown. He started the company because he knew that the world needed a better way of handling custom software development. Alex is passionate about making the online relationship between end users and marketers/market researchers better for both sides of the equation. It is with great pride that he has watched this initi

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:45 PM | link | 0 comments |

Software outsourcing India is a boon for companies

Software outsourcing is one of the most popular forms of outsourcing that has been undertaken by several leading companies in the field of outsourcing. In fact, software outsourcing India has been found highly beneficial by most of the software companies and this is one of the reasons for its ever increasing popularity. Studies have found out that the cost of hiring technology workers is about five times less than the amount needed in the United States. The main idea behind software outsourcing India is to get quality work done at a cheaper rate.

There are many things that have made leading software companies to stop and think, and hire workers from outside. One major factor that works in the favor of software outsourcing India is that software companies can hire the services of professionals based on projects. Well if they require, software companies can also hire the service of software professionals on a long term basis. It all depends on the kind of projects that you want the professionals to work upon.

India has become the most widely accepted destination not only for software outsourcing, but also for outsourcing of several other types like business and knowledge etc. A recent study has found out that more than 40 percent of software development and other types of services are being outsourced to India. In other words, India is the most preferred country for outsourcing of any kind. So whatever aspect of your business you want to outsource, you can safely assign the work to qualified professionals from India.

India has a huge population and a large number of this population is highly qualified. It is this competent manpower that makes it a favorite spot for companies to outsource their office work of any type. Besides being highly qualified, these professionals are familiar with speaking English and this proves to be a great boon while they are working for an outsourcing company. The low cost of labor and high qualification of professionals is a great benefit and the entire process of outsourcing becomes really easy and simple due to this.

Software outsourcing India eases the workload of the company that is looking to outsource the work to India professionals and companies. You can regularly check out the quality and also the quantity of the work which is being done by professionals and if at any time you find out that the work is not being done to your liking, you can take away the work from them and assign it to someone else. With so many options available, it is not at all difficult to find a replacement to do the work for you.

You may be wondering how the professionals in India will do the work for you as per the norms of your company. Well, there is a very simple answer to this. After hiring the professional, you can train him to work for you in exactly the way you want him to do the work. This ensures that all your work is done in time and also the work will be done just as per your requirements.

About the Author

Allies Harbor is a writer for http://www.ifrstaffing.com - IFR Staffing offers services for Accounting outsourcing, India outsourcing accounting, Data entry outsourcing,Business Process Outsourcing. You can have benefits of SEO outsourcing,Software outsourcing India.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:41 PM | link | 0 comments |

KPO India - New wave in the global outsourcing

KPO India

With evolution of Indian BPO sector has given birth to another gesture in the global outsourcing scene: KPO or Knowledge Process Outsourcing because of its favorable advantages and future scope. The success achieved by many overseas companies in outsourcing business process operations to India has encouraged many firms to start outsourcing their high-end knowledge work. Cost savings, operational efficiencies & improved quality are all essential expectations in outsourcing high-end processes to India

What is KPO?

Knowledge process, a high additional worth process where success or achievement of objectives is very dependent on skills, domain knowledge and understanding of the people carrying out the activity and when this activity gets outsourced a new business activity emerges which is generally known as Knowledge Process Outsourcing & commonly called as KPO.

The KPO involves a component of Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) & Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). Not just the process expertise (knowledge) but KPO entities provide domain based process & business expertise, KPO industries are more into high skilled work, depth of knowledge. Look at some of the features offered by SPGIndia.

If you are considering outsourcing your knowledge processing needs, or would just like to know more about our various KPO services that can be outsourced, contact us. We have specialized departments that focus on various areas of Knowledge Processing Outsourcing

About the Author

Simmi is a professional Internet marketer/web promoter from India. For more details visit

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:39 PM | link | 0 comments |

How To Find Great Data Entry From Home Jobs Online

Data entry jobs are on decline and will be more so in the years to come. Yet data entry work will remain in high demand for the time being. Organizations constantly need to replace leaving data entry office workers.

Data entry keyers arer doing a wide range of office duties. They are called by various titles, like: typists, elecrtonice data processors, keyers, information processors, transcription workers and more.

As a data entry employee, you can benefit much from today's technologies and sophisticated office equipment. Your duties as a data entry keyer include entering data in forms, editing, revising and sorting letters, forms, reports and stateical data. Fortunately, we're working now on computers not on typewriters, and data entry work is a whole lot easier.

You can find many good data entry jobs online. One good source to do register with outsourcing websites, like rentacoder.com or elance.com. Registration is a quick an easy process, and there's no cost for registering.

Once registered (or even before), you can do a simple search for data entry work, transcription jobs, typing jobs and countless other jobs that can be done from home. You can build your credibility there and be hired in the future for great home based data entry jobs.

Here are skills that will help you get your data entry jobs:

* good touch typing and keyboarding skills

* ability to communicate well employers and deliver high quality data entry service

* Do a quick, reliable job and deliver your data entry work on time

* Be available to work in regular business hours. However, many online data jobs can be done at home in your own hours, whenever you want.

* Master various computer skills, like being knowledgable in using computer programs such as Excell, Word, and other software

* Being able to upload and download files with FTP, managing files, documents and records, being familiar with transcription work and with dababase and spreadsheet programs and deisgning of forms

* Good spelling and grammer

When you register on an outsourcing website like those mentioned above, you can find buyers describing the kind of project they need and inviting you or whoever wants to have the job to bid on the data entry project and specify a price as well as what kind of service you can offer.

For example, a person looking for typists or data entry workers will announce what kind of data entry job, transcription project, word processing or other projects he needs to be done. Then, people like you will bid on the project and state what price you will charge for doing the job, and how well you can do it.

When I was searching one of those sites, I found some good jams, like offers to do transcription and typing jobs, transcribing E-books,manuals, contents of CD's, manuscripts, tapes, audio and video, convert audio cassette to word documents, etc. People wanted service providers to list phone numbers in telephone books, ISBN numbers in their online bookstore, or website links in their online directories.

I found also many other good data entry job opportuities at the above sites. You can do their your own search, and you're sure to come up with some good results. When you place a bid, make sure you show the buyer that you understand the request, describe you knowledge, skills and experience and the reason why you should be selected as the data entry worker to do the job.

This is just one of the ways how to do data entry work from home. There are many other different data entry jobs out there that can be done from home. There are also various interesting online data entry job opportunities.

About the Author

Jacob Surkis is a touch typing expert and owner of the excellent site on typing tutor software and typing game review, and information on typing jobs and online data entry work from home. Check out: http://www.online-typing-tutors-town.com/data-entry-jobs-at-home.html for typing tutors and home based data entry jobs.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:34 PM | link | 0 comments |

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Outsourcing - keeping the right track on good entrepreneurship

What is keeping a business through outsourcing successful? There is no specific answer to this question but it is proper to say that there are a lot of different ways where outsourcing and success is clasped together. However, it should be noted that the way to successful outsourcing is not done on an easy basis, it takes time and mastery for business to grow and develop the way it is wanted. However, when speaking of ways to battle off barriers in outsourcing process, one thing remains definite---- there are general steps that should be taken into notice. There are points shared by experts regarding getting a successful outsourcing output. Getting a good bargain of great services at a lower cost is only met when there is knowledge on the right thing to do at a certain situation. Observance and analysis in business is one important factor on keeping track on success. Problems occurring in the operation of outsourcing should be dealt with on a matter of "preventing the hole into getting any bigger". According to the article of Dwayne Phillips on "How People Drive the Outsourcing Process", the usual problem encountered on outsourcing is miscommunication. "Outsourcing projects have an additional set of people--- the outsource developers. More people mean more lines of communications, more opportunities in miscommunication, and more misunderstandings and mistakes", Phillips wrote. In order to smooth out or at least lessen this kind of problem, it is better to clear things out from the very beginning, before outsourcing gets matters complicated. Any projects in outsourcing should be completed and written fully to avoid any miscommunications among the parties involved within the process. In addition, agreements between the vendor and buyer should also be clear in order to avoid problems with pricing and scope of services. In the article, "How to negotiate an International Outsourcing Contract" by Gene T. Barton, et. al., it is advised that a "thoughful contractual agreement" should be followed. Contractual agreement between parties is full of complexities. Entrepreneurs should have a better understanding on the matters of business and legality. By doing so, companies could have a grasp of bargaining to reach the necessary cost savings. Moreover, outsourcing negotiations should be aligned proper to the economy of scale. According to Danny Ertel and Sara Parker in their article, "Outsourcing: Getting Off on the Right Foot", not all outsourcing relationships are created equally. "As might expected, many buyers aspire to keep their providers closer toward the lower price/less integration end of the spectrum, while providers often aim to integrate further (thereby enhance their margins). These diverging viewpoints over the type of relationship each side wants create tension over time, as the provider pushes to deepen and strengthen the relationship while the buyer struggles to keep the provider at arm's length", the article further explains. As outsourcing is mostly a customer-based relationship, entrepreneurs should never set a fixed price. Meeting halfway is the best way to sort any tension that might arise. Agreement on a healthy relationship between the two parties will develop into a "prioritized set of joint critical success factors, based on the high-level goals each side hopes to achieve". All the above tips are still subject for change. As said before, there are no specifics as to whether success is met. However, it should always be remembered that entrepreneurs who want to have continuity of success in outsourcing should always be ready for any changes that occurs within the economy.

About the Author

Global Sky is a US owned and operated call center based in the Philippines offering US Quality at Offshore Rates. Find out more about Philippines call centers and call center outsourcing. Also check out our call center services.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:30 PM | link | 0 comments |

iTechArt Group - Custom software development and DotNetNuke consulting

Custom Software Development Company http://www.itechart.com/

iTechArt Group is a first class custom software development and software outsourcing company with headquarter in Matawan, NJ, USA. Our offshore development center is located in Eastern Europe. We are specialists in the development of custom software applications and offshore software outsourcing services. We have solid experience bringing products from concept to release in a variety of environments: .NET, ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, J2EE, Delphi, AJAX, Flash and many more.

TechArt Company provides full cycle software development services. From solution design and software development to application support and enhancement, iTechArt provides a compelling alternative to reduce development costs, while gaining an experienced, technically proficient IT partner to improve the quality of software solutions and compress development time and time to market. According to your specific needs and budget, we will develop the optimal custom software solution meeting urgency of the business need and productivity statement. At iTechArt we use the most effective technologies to offer our customers applications which are tailored specifically to their requirements and within their budget.

By providing our customers with the highest-skilled teams and a world-class infrastructure, we can ensure the quality and reliability of the products we build for you.

iTechArt product development servicesinclude:

* Product Design and Analysis * Prototyping * Incremental Development Approach * Full Product Testing Cycle * Customization Services * Localization Services * Integration Services * Product Support * Documentation

iTechArt's technology and process expertise is the foundation of all the service offerings it provides. Our world-leading technology partners help us to build the best business solutions for our customers.

To exceed client expectations iTechArt Company uses a transparent development model which creates an unprecedented capability to solve complex business and technology problems at affordable costs while balancing:

* On-site experienced consultants and managers with deep industry knowledge * Reliable management with vast expertise * Skilled teams of expert systems engineers, developers and designers * Web-based project management methodologies and tools to guide the distributed development process

Advantages of partnering with iTechArt Company:

* Years of cross-industry expertise in building customized enterprise applications to automate business processes and improve operational efficiency and management effectiveness * Strong, validated, and certified project delivery model * A phased-gate approach that begins with requirements gathering and analysis to provide recommendations and arrive at a common vision before any development begins

With iTechArt as your software development partner, you can reach your business goals faster and with greater cost-efficiency.

About the Author

Alex Bromberg co-founded iTechArt Group in 2003 back when he had more hair on his head, less hair on his face, and all of it was brown. He started the company because he knew that the world needed a better way of handling custom software development. Alex is passionate about making the online relationship between end users and marketers/market researchers better for both sides of the equation. It is with great pride that he has watched this initi

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:28 PM | link | 0 comments |

Software outsourcing India is a boon for companies

Software outsourcing is one of the most popular forms of outsourcing that has been undertaken by several leading companies in the field of outsourcing. In fact, software outsourcing India has been found highly beneficial by most of the software companies and this is one of the reasons for its ever increasing popularity. Studies have found out that the cost of hiring technology workers is about five times less than the amount needed in the United States. The main idea behind software outsourcing India is to get quality work done at a cheaper rate.

There are many things that have made leading software companies to stop and think, and hire workers from outside. One major factor that works in the favor of software outsourcing India is that software companies can hire the services of professionals based on projects. Well if they require, software companies can also hire the service of software professionals on a long term basis. It all depends on the kind of projects that you want the professionals to work upon.

India has become the most widely accepted destination not only for software outsourcing, but also for outsourcing of several other types like business and knowledge etc. A recent study has found out that more than 40 percent of software development and other types of services are being outsourced to India. In other words, India is the most preferred country for outsourcing of any kind. So whatever aspect of your business you want to outsource, you can safely assign the work to qualified professionals from India.

India has a huge population and a large number of this population is highly qualified. It is this competent manpower that makes it a favorite spot for companies to outsource their office work of any type. Besides being highly qualified, these professionals are familiar with speaking English and this proves to be a great boon while they are working for an outsourcing company. The low cost of labor and high qualification of professionals is a great benefit and the entire process of outsourcing becomes really easy and simple due to this.

Software outsourcing India eases the workload of the company that is looking to outsource the work to India professionals and companies. You can regularly check out the quality and also the quantity of the work which is being done by professionals and if at any time you find out that the work is not being done to your liking, you can take away the work from them and assign it to someone else. With so many options available, it is not at all difficult to find a replacement to do the work for you.

You may be wondering how the professionals in India will do the work for you as per the norms of your company. Well, there is a very simple answer to this. After hiring the professional, you can train him to work for you in exactly the way you want him to do the work. This ensures that all your work is done in time and also the work will be done just as per your requirements.
About the Author

Allies Harbor is a writer for http://www.ifrstaffing.com - IFR Staffing offers services for Accounting outsourcing, India outsourcing accounting, Data entry outsourcing,Business Process Outsourcing. You can have benefits of SEO outsourcing,Software outsourcing India.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:25 PM | link | 0 comments |

KPO India - New wave in the global outsourcing

KPO India

With evolution of Indian BPO sector has given birth to another gesture in the global outsourcing scene: KPO or Knowledge Process Outsourcing because of its favorable advantages and future scope. The success achieved by many overseas companies in outsourcing business process operations to India has encouraged many firms to start outsourcing their high-end knowledge work. Cost savings, operational efficiencies & improved quality are all essential expectations in outsourcing high-end processes to India

What is KPO?

Knowledge process, a high additional worth process where success or achievement of objectives is very dependent on skills, domain knowledge and understanding of the people carrying out the activity and when this activity gets outsourced a new business activity emerges which is generally known as Knowledge Process Outsourcing & commonly called as KPO.

The KPO involves a component of Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) & Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO). Not just the process expertise (knowledge) but KPO entities provide domain based process & business expertise, KPO industries are more into high skilled work, depth of knowledge. Look at some of the features offered by SPGIndia.

If you are considering outsourcing your knowledge processing needs, or would just like to know more about our various KPO services that can be outsourced, contact us. We have specialized departments that focus on various areas of Knowledge Processing Outsourcing
About the Author

Simmi is a professional Internet marketer/web promoter from India. For more details visit

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:23 PM | link | 0 comments |

How To Find Great Data Entry From Home Jobs Online

Data entry jobs are on decline and will be more so in the years to come. Yet data entry work will remain in high demand for the time being. Organizations constantly need to replace leaving data entry office workers.

Data entry keyers arer doing a wide range of office duties. They are called by various titles, like: typists, elecrtonice data processors, keyers, information processors, transcription workers and more.

As a data entry employee, you can benefit much from today's technologies and sophisticated office equipment. Your duties as a data entry keyer include entering data in forms, editing, revising and sorting letters, forms, reports and stateical data. Fortunately, we're working now on computers not on typewriters, and data entry work is a whole lot easier.

You can find many good data entry jobs online. One good source to do register with outsourcing websites, like rentacoder.com or elance.com. Registration is a quick an easy process, and there's no cost for registering.

Once registered (or even before), you can do a simple search for data entry work, transcription jobs, typing jobs and countless other jobs that can be done from home. You can build your credibility there and be hired in the future for great home based data entry jobs.

Here are skills that will help you get your data entry jobs:

* good touch typing and keyboarding skills

* ability to communicate well employers and deliver high quality data entry service

* Do a quick, reliable job and deliver your data entry work on time

* Be available to work in regular business hours. However, many online data jobs can be done at home in your own hours, whenever you want.

* Master various computer skills, like being knowledgable in using computer programs such as Excell, Word, and other software

* Being able to upload and download files with FTP, managing files, documents and records, being familiar with transcription work and with dababase and spreadsheet programs and deisgning of forms

* Good spelling and grammer

When you register on an outsourcing website like those mentioned above, you can find buyers describing the kind of project they need and inviting you or whoever wants to have the job to bid on the data entry project and specify a price as well as what kind of service you can offer.

For example, a person looking for typists or data entry workers will announce what kind of data entry job, transcription project, word processing or other projects he needs to be done. Then, people like you will bid on the project and state what price you will charge for doing the job, and how well you can do it.

When I was searching one of those sites, I found some good jams, like offers to do transcription and typing jobs, transcribing E-books,manuals, contents of CD's, manuscripts, tapes, audio and video, convert audio cassette to word documents, etc. People wanted service providers to list phone numbers in telephone books, ISBN numbers in their online bookstore, or website links in their online directories.

I found also many other good data entry job opportuities at the above sites. You can do their your own search, and you're sure to come up with some good results. When you place a bid, make sure you show the buyer that you understand the request, describe you knowledge, skills and experience and the reason why you should be selected as the data entry worker to do the job.

This is just one of the ways how to do data entry work from home. There are many other different data entry jobs out there that can be done from home. There are also various interesting online data entry job opportunities.
About the Author

Jacob Surkis is a touch typing expert and owner of the excellent site on typing tutor software and typing game review, and information on typing jobs and online data entry work from home. Check out: http://www.online-typing-tutors-town.com/data-entry-jobs-at-home.html for typing tutors and home based data entry jobs.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:19 PM | link | 0 comments |

Search Engine Optimisation- Should you pay someone or do it yourself?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), the process of optimizing your site to ensure it is found by Search Engines and appears high in results for your keyword terms, is an absolute must for every website and anyone looking to make money on the internet. SEO is something that prospective webmasters can learn to do themselves very effectively and fairly cheaply with a plethora of information available on the internet through forums, eBooks and other websites.

There are also many companies out there that you could outsource your SEO requirements to if that is what you would prefer. The purpose of this article is to show you why, even if in the long-run you want to outsource your SEO operations, every prospective webmaster should research SEO. The reasons for this are as follows:

Education If you are considering entering the world of Internet Marketing and making money online, you need to understand how the internet works, otherwise you will not know how to get your site seen by your target audience. Even if you end up outsourcing all or part of your SEO activities, a working knowledge of SEO will help you decide if the company or individuals you are working with is reputable.

Overall Business Marketing Plan In an internet age, the internet is an integral part of any business. Search Engine Optimisation helps solidify your key target audience, and learning how your customers travel the internet and what they are searching will help you optimize your sites so these key audiences end up at your site. A working understanding of SEO will also help you establish who your competitors will be and whether you are in a profitable niche.

Business Expenses Outsourcing SEO agencies can charge thousands of dollars for an SEO campaign. You could learn all the tools they use for the price of an eBook.

Many people are using Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. PPC advertising has its place in a marketing plan but free traffic through appearing high in Search Engine results can save you money. A well planned SEO campaign will also bring more targeted traffic, as PPC advertising means your ad may appear against key phrases that are not related to your product or service. These consumers, who are not part of your target audience, may inadvertently click on your ad and every time they do it will cost you money.

For anybody looking at making money online and setting up a website, a working knowledge of Search Engine Optimisation is essential. It will help you understand how the internet and search engines work, it will help you more effectively understand your target audience and how they search the internet for information, and a doing your own SEO campaign can save you a lot of money on your business expenses. This means more profit for you.

About the Author

Learn for yourself the fasted and easiest way with "Search Engine Optimization Results the Organic Way" eBook. http://www.LambertKlein.com

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 12:54 AM | link | 0 comments |

Outsourcing SEO Services will make handling business simpler

Every one these days are talking about outsourcing. Not only talking most businesses is in fact undertaking this process. Outsourcing SEO services is being done on a massive scale to earn profit. Giving your work to a third party is a huge task and you need to be absolutely sure about what you are taking on. Outsourcing SEO services has many advantages and this is exactly why outsourcing has been undertaken on such a large scale.

Setting up a business and running it successfully requires huge efforts on the part of the business owner. First of all you need to carefully think if at all you need to undertake outsourcing for any aspect of your business. If you have decided to undertake outsourcing SEO services you will have to find out a good outsourcing company that can do your work without any difficulty.

If you know of any friend or business acquaintance that has undertaken outsourcing services previously from outsourcing companies you can talk to them about this. You can benefit greatly from their experience and knowledge. They will be the best people to tell you what to do and what not to do while outsourcing SEO services from third parties. Once you are properly armed about what to expect and what not to from the process, you will be in a better position to conduct your business through outsourcing.

SEO or search engine optimization is a vast field and after outsourcing this service you will realize that this requires big effort. To rank at the top of major search engines many things have to be done at various stages. Each business has different requirements and competition also varies. So a certain strategy that has been successful for someone else may not be suitable to your business.

Professionals those who work for outsourcing SEO services are highly qualified and this is why you will get good results for your business. You are running a business and if your business site does not feature at the top of search results of all the major search engines. Analyzing competition in the market can help your site in undertaking business strategies that will be successful for you.

Outsourcing will benefit your business in several ways. First you can save huge amounts of money because outsourcing drastically reduced the cost of hiring professionals. The saved amount of money through outsourcing SEO services can be utilized in other sectors of your business. That is not all, through outsourcing SEO services you will free up the internal staff of your company. Freeing up your internal staff will help them focus on other vital area of your business, other then SEO services.

SEO is one of the important sectors of business in today's world. If you are serious about your business and want to be successful you must undertake outsourcing SEO services from outsourcing companies that do this kind of work. If you are overloaded with SEO work, outsourcing SEO services is the best option for you and you will be able to meet all client targets.
About the Author

Allies Harbor is a writer for www.ifrstaffing.com - IFR Staffing offers services for Accounting outsourcing,India outsourcing accounting, Data entry Outsourcing,Business Process Outsourcing. You can have benefits of SEO outsourcing India,Outsourcing SEO Services.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 12:53 AM | link | 0 comments |

Data Entry Outsourcing helps you manage your business efficiently

Data entry is one of the vital tasks for any business to become successful in the long run. In this age of internet, most data entry work is done online and so people who are involved in data entry must have proper knowledge about the way of doing this. Data entry is a very lengthy and tiresome work, so the best option for companies to take care of this is through data entry outsourcing. Through the process of data entry outsourcing, you will be able to hire the services of professionals who will do the work effectively for you.

You must realize the fact that every business requires appropriate data to be successful. At any time, you may need updated and correct data about the work you are doing and for this you must ensure that the data is updated at all times. Outsourcing means to give out your work to a third party so that you can ease off the burden of workload that you have. With the help of data entry outsourcing, you can free up the staff working for your business. You can make use of their manpower and skills to concentrate on other key sectors of your business.

The type of Data Entry Outsourcing work that you will undertake for your business depends on the amount of work that you want to be done. You can find freelancer as well as big companies who can do data entry outsourcing for clients. So suppose you need the services for a short duration of time, may be only for one or two projects, you can hire the services of a freelancer for data entry outsourcing. If you need data entry works on a regular basis, it is best to hire data entry outsourcing services from a reputed outsourcing company.

You can get data entry outsourcing services to deal with different types of data entry work that you will need for your business. This can be conversion of data or even documentation or entering data of visitors during certain time duration of a site. You may also need to undertake data entry outsourcing services to keep a track of credit and debit card transactions and also in the processing of forms that online visitors may have to fill up for websites. In today's competitive world, having all your business info and data updated on a regular basis will surely help you in being one step ahead of your competitor.

One can undertake different types of survey to find out customer responses on various aspects related to your business. Through data entry outsourcing, you can easily keep track of exactly what your customer wants from your business. Data entry outsourcing professionals can easily keep track of survey data and mailing address along with telephone number of customers to give them updated info about your business on a timely basis.

No matter whether you are running a small scale, medium scale or large scale business, taking care of data entry operation is a crucial task for being successful in the near future. Companies which provide data entry outsourcing services to clients cater to all these different types of business.

About the Author

Allies Harbor is a writer for www.ifrstaffing.com - IFR Staffing offers services for Accounting outsourcing,India outsourcing accounting, Data entry Outsourcing,Business Process Outsourcing. You can have benefits of SEO outsourcing India,Software outsourcing India.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 12:52 AM | link | 0 comments |

India Outsourcing Accounting is responsible for the growth of business

The idea and concept of outsourcing has revolutionized the way a business is being handled. This involves lending your workload to other companies outside your country. The main advantage of this service is that it saves you extra time that gets wasted in sorting out problematic issues. It is not like this that you can outsource only business process services or knowledge; but you can also outsource your accounting work. And for taking advantage of this service, India is considered as one of the best country. It has a hub of information technology that is growing with a rapid speed.

In India outsourcing accounting usually deals with giving out accounting services such as invoice generation, generating accounts, financial statements, trial balances, profit and loss account, pay roll processes and checking credit card accounts. The task of handling these documents is given to a third party, who performs the work for you. Their work includes sorting out the expenses and feeding the database into accounting software, so that it becomes easier for you to check the final work. These outsourcing companies, either in India or elsewhere, have certain software that maintains complete accounting work and you are required to give a glance over it.

India has always been preferred by a variety of professionals to get their outsourcing work done. There are numerous advantages to this. India has a whole lot of skilled staff in the field of information technology that can manage accounting work. Apart from this, the cost of the manpower in India is much less than other countries. You can get your outsourcing accounting work done within your allocated budget. And you also save on the extra cost of keeping a skilled in-house staff and paying them all the add-ons. In any field of business, speed of the work is mandatory for success. You will find that outsourcing work is done with much efficiency and speed.

Filling taxes have become all the more necessary thing in the life of a businessman and for this they have to manage the accounting documents well. It is this thing that turns them towards taking the services of outsourcing from India. The India outsourcing accounting is quite famous and is the much sought after service. Just imagine the problem of tax raids that can come to you, if you do not pay taxes on time. And if your accounting documents are messed up, then you will land in huge troubles. At this point of time, outsourcing seems to be a boon for every business individual. It will help them to divert their attention to more important aspects of the business.

The India Outsourcing Accounting has a developing history. Way back in 1970s, this idea could be found in Adam Smith's book "The wealth of nations". Since, then this thought has been continuously and rapidly developing. More and more business organizations have been leaning towards this service because of the advantages it accompanies. Who does not like to save money and invest it the growth of the business? And it is this thing that has called several companies to outsource their accounting and other work to India.

About the Author

Allies Harbor is a writer for www.ifrstaffing.com - IFR Staffing offers services for Accounting outsourcing,India outsourcing accounting, Data entry Outsourcing,Business Process Outsourcing. You can have benefits of India Outsourcing Accounting,Software outsourcing India.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 12:50 AM | link | 1 comments |

SEO On A DimeJustify Full

Seo for those with small budgets will take some time and should be a long term effort, but the benefits are many. If you don't have the cash to manage using a service or one of the alleged experts, don't worry. You can do this!

And even if you could afford an expert, you should know some basics. Otherwise it's like hiring and accountant and not being able to add. You need some SEO knowledge even if you are outsourcing the job, to know how to shop for an expert, and what to look for and expect in a service.

SEO for your pages

Begin your SEO with your home page. Give it a worthy name. No, welcome will not do. What does that say about your page. Welcome is plastered on pages all over the internet and doesn't do a thing for setting your page apart for many many others.

Give your home page, and all the pages of your site a worthy title based on your keywords. Get your page started off right by telling search engines and visitors right upfront what your site is about. The SEO benefits will be far reaching!

The same goes for your domain name. Whatever your site is focused on, find the best keyword and get it into your domain name. This may take a little work. You will find many names you want are taken. Don't despair. Get your grey cells working, rearrange words, seperate with hyphens, do whatever is necessary, but find a way. This will further optimize your website and when links come in from just your site name think of the SEO benefits you will be getting with no further effort on your part.

Meta tags are being pooh-poohed these days, but put them in anyway. Yes some of the search engines will not read them, but others will and since search engine traffic is targeted to you keywords don't turn down traffic even in small numbers. Small numbers interested in what you have to offer, beat large numbers that land on your site accidentally or with no interest.

Another advantage to good meta tags is that they are used by a lot of directories. You will find that when submitting to a number of directories they will automatically pick up and use the description you have entered in your meta tags.

Good website navigation and sitemaps are another way to further your on page SEO. Add both an html sitemap and a google sitemap. If your sites gets very large this could be of great benefit in helping the bots find all of your pages.

Simple, easy to understand navigation and inter-linking between pages is just sensible in helping visitors get around your site and the inter-linking will help out with backlinks.

Good original content is very important to SEO. Search engines look for original content and value it more than duplicate content. Make sure your site contains a large percentage of original content, and the more content and pages the better. Add pages on a regular basis, and update pages occasionally to keep the spiders coming back.

SEO off page

SEO on page is the foundation, and you need it, but off page SEO is even more important.

You must get links. You can begin your off page SEO with two way link which are easier to get. Two way links are easier, and they have less value, but they are a starting place and a piece of your optimization strategy.

Look for sites that add something to your website, and give value to your visitors. You don't want to link to direct competition, but related resources. Check each site first and be sure it is a good website, has link pages that are categorized with a small number of related links per page. Avoid link farms that have hundreds of unrelated and uncategorized links on a single page, and sites that are totally unrelated to yours. These will take away from your SEO and could even do harm.

Submit to directories. You will find many directories that are free and will not require that you link back.

Write articles. This is one of the best SEO values on the internet right now. If you write and submit articles yourself, this can be done completely for free. As you budget has more room, you can automate this process. In the meantime, frequent article submissions will bring you lots of incoming links.

Write a good bio box in the third person. Include anchor text that points visitors and links to different pages on your site. This is one way you can use SEO and direct links and traffic where you want. Put some time into writing bio boxes. This is time well spent.

Forums, blogs, email signatures, and social bookmarking are other off page SEO methods that will enhance your SEO efforts and you should educate yourself on all of them.

Circulating free viral reports is another SEO method that can be accomplished free or for little cost and bring big rewards. There are many more methods of off page SEO that you can use and tweak to get better results. Always consider if there is a new way you can twist and old method to get better SEO results.

About the Author

Find more information on search engines and how to get one way links.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 12:47 AM | link | 0 comments |

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Outsource Your Ebook While Upsizing Your Profit

Ebooks are fast becoming a very popular method of conveying information, promoting Internet niche websites and generating a profit. Ebooks are similar to regular books but they are distributed in a software format via email or the Internet instead of being printed and distributed as a hardcopy.

There are some ebooks which are available for download free of charge but most ebooks charge a fee for the download. This, however, is not the only way ebooks generate a profit.

Ebooks can also generate a profit by selling advertising space in the ebook. Most ebooks do not openly have ads but many of them are written with the intention of promoting a particular website, product or service. Rather than a traditional advertisement, the ebook will likely feature links to more information on the advertiser's products or services surrounded by information subtly attempting to entice the reader to research the subject further.

How Outsourcing Your Ebook Can Save You Money?

The fact that outsourcing your ebook to a professional writer can save you money is confusing for many people. Most people assume anytime you hire an individual to do work for you, it is automatically detracting from your profit margin because you have to compensate him for the work he provides. However, in the long run outsourcing the task of writing your ebook can save you money.

Consider taking on the task of writing the ebook yourself. Unless you are a professional writer, your work will likely be inferior to the work a professional would produce. This can be costly because investors will want to see a finished product before committing to sponsoring your ebook. If the work is sub par they may withhold their investment dollars. This can cost you both time and money in searching for a new sponsor.

Now consider how long it would take you to write the ebook. Can you really afford to focus exclusively on writing the ebook? Most likely you have other responsibilities to attend to. This means the ebook may take significantly longer to be completed than it would if you outsourced the work to a professional.

Finally, consider the editing process. If you plan to have the ebook edited you may have to allow additional time for the editing process if the work was completed by an amateur. If the ebook is in editing for too long you could incur additional costs.

Issuing a Press Release for Your Ebook

Can you write an effective press release? An effective press release is one that entices readers to investigate the subject of the press release further. Issuing a press release along with the release of your ebook can be one way to draw traffic to your ebook.

High traffic is necessary to bring potential customers to the location where they can download your ebook. For this reason outsourcing your press release to a professional writer is also recommended. Your press release is likely the first component of your marketing strategy and if your press release is not effective it may doom your ebook to failure before it even has an opportunity to attempt to sell itself.

Outsourcing to an experienced press release writer can be rather expensive with many individuals charging in excess of $1.00 per word for these marketing tools. Savvy Internet marketers realize these prices are a bargain for the profit they will gain from a truly effective press release.

Writing a Sales Letter for Your Ebook

A sales letter for an ebook is a very important part of the ebook. This is a 1-3 page document which is typically included at the front of the ebook and provides a summary of the information which is provided in the ebook. The sales letter is usually visible to readers before they download the ebook. The purpose of this is to entice the reader to purchase the ebook.

It is logical to outsource the writing of this document to the same individual who wrote the ebook. He is the one who has the most comprehensive knowledge of the information contained within the ebook and is most qualified to write this document.

About the Author

Ryan Smith is the owner of MyCirclePal.Com, one of the Net's hottest community and social neworking sites! Post your free profile today at http://www.mycirclepal.com/

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:27 PM | link | 0 comments |

Why You Should Outsource Your Internet Niche Ebook

Unless you are an accomplished writer yourself, outsourcing your Internet niche ebook is an absolute necessity. Most people have the common sense to hire an electrician when they are having electrical problems in their home and a plumber when they are having plumbing problems but these same people often make the mistake of thinking they do not need to hire a professional to write their ebook.

This article will discuss the benefits of outsourcing your ebook to a professional and will identify some of the pitfalls of not outsourcing this work to a professional.

Why Paying for a Professional Written Ebook is Important

Those who are orchestrating an Internet niche marketing campaign should realize the importance of hiring a professional writer to write their ebook. An ebook is often used in this capacity to serve as a promotional tool for the other elements of the niche marketing campaign including the website.

The ebook you publish will be the first impression many form regarding your niche campaign. You want this first impression to be a positive one so it is important for your ebook to be incredibly polished, free of spelling and grammatical errors, accurate, informative, interesting and written in an appropriate tone. An accomplished writer can meet all of these needs while creating an ebook that is well researched and provides all the information you requested in the outline.

Benefits of Outsourcing Your Ebook

There are many benefits to outsourcing your ebook. The most obvious benefit is that, provided you choose a well qualified candidate, your ebook is likely to turn out looking extremely professional. This is important because a high quality ebook is much more likely to persuade readers to investigate the subject further by visiting the niche website mentioned in the ebook.

Another benefit to outsourcing your ebook to an accomplished writer is it will greatly reduce your own workload. Attempting to write the ebook on your own would be a mistake if you are not a skilled writer but there are still many marketers who go this route.

They often spend much longer than anticipated on the process of writing their ebook and wind up with sub par results. Outsourcing the ebook not only creates much better results but also relieves the marketer of the pressure of trying to write the book themselves.

Pitfalls of Not Outsourcing Your Ebook

There are some significant pitfalls which often result from not outsourcing an ebook. One of the most common problems that occur when the ebook is written by an amateur is the ebook ends up sounding too much like a sales pitch. Most Internet niche ebooks are written for the purpose of promoting the niche but the promotional aspects of the ebook are usually rather subtle.

Instead the ebook is written with an authoritative tone and presented as an ebook providing the reader with knowledge on a particular niche subject. The ebook will, however, likely include persuasive undertones directing readers to particular websites for further information.

Another pitfall of not outsourcing an ebook is a final product that is poorly written with glaring grammatical errors and other mistakes. These mistakes will likely be evident to even the most casual reader of the ebook.

When these errors are easily detected, it is not likely the reader will put much faith in the message being conveyed by the ebook. They will likely assume the carelessness in writing the ebook carried over into the research process therefore, tainting the information presented in the ebook.

About the Author

Ryan Smith is the owner of MyCirclePal.Com, one of the Net's hottest community and social neworking sites! Post your free profile today at http://www.mycirclepal.com/

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:24 PM | link | 0 comments |

An Easy Introduction to Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the hottest topics on the Internet. With so much information and different points of view it is difficult for the Internet Newbie to sort out the facts. But if we stick to the principles it is really quite easy.

Affiliate Marketing is as old as business itself. An Affiliate or Associate is a "middleman", someone who brings merchant and buyer together and collects a fee for doing so.

There is nothing in this that relates to the Internet at all except that the World Wide Web makes the process easier

A merchant is an expert on the products they sell. They achieve more by focusing on that and outsourcing their sales and marketing. What could be better than a sales staff that have no steady wage but only earn when they sell?

An Affiliate regards the "no sale no wages" offer as a good deal because their share of the profit is large and they can concentrate on the marketing. The Affiliate has no cares about inventory, packaging, shipping or customer service. For Information products, like an ebook costing $100, an Affiliate will typically earn $50.

This is more than the author earns and considering the costs of the merchant, the affiliate earns most for least effort.

The shopper does not care about any of this. She or he just wants the best information about the matters that concern them and the best deals.

Finding an affiliate website by typing her search term into a search engine the shopper finds useful background information and product reviews written by an affiliate. She may click on one of the links on the affiliate website through to the merchant's website and on reassuring herself that everything looks OK buy then and there.

Or perhaps she could get some extra information by signing up to the Newsletter from the Affiliate website or from the Merchant. A sale may then happen a few days or even a few months later

This is clearly a win for the affiliate; a win for the merchant and a win for the shopper. And that is why the Affiliate Model of doing business is so popular.

There is a downside to this rosy picture. Because it is so easy to enter, thousands of newcomers sign up and become Affiliates with little knowledge of how the whole process works or even how to get started.

A good general knowledge of Internet Business is essential if one is to succeed as an affiliate. In addition you have to be able to write about the area in which you are selling or to be able to hire a writer. Likewise the technical part of website building have got to be mastered or outsourced

That being said it is a very attractive lifestyle and after the learning curve has been climbed the earning curve can be very lucrative indeed.

About the Author

Alex Newell taught Information Technology in a Community College in London, UK for many years and is now teaching Newbies to Internet Business how to shorten their learning curve to make a living online Where Internet Newbies Get Their First Victory Visit http://www.newbie-on-the-net.com for more details

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:22 PM | link | 0 comments |

3 Tips for Finding Your Niche Subject

The first step of niche site creation is to determine what your niche is going to be. This is typically something that does not come easily to most people. After all, how do you figure out a niche that isn't overdone and is something that you and other people are interested in? You're probably one of those people wanting to know how to find your niche, which is your reason for reading this article. If you are, then you've definitely come to the right place.

Being able to figure out how to find your niche after reading this should be easy. We'll give you three tips for how to find your niche and how to impress visitors.

How to find your niche: Tip #1 - Come up with a list of 10 possible niche topics

The first tip takes sometime, but is one of the best tips anyone could give and definitely the first step of discovering how to find your niche. Sit down and start thinking about things that are interesting to you. Maybe you've always wanted to create a site dedicated to basketball or perhaps one about video games. As you come up with ideas that sound appealing to you, write them down on a sheet of paper. If you come up with more than 10 possible niche topics, that's OK--the more ideas you have, the better. When you feel like you don't have anymore ideas in your head, move on to tip #2.

How to find your niche: Tip #2 - Plug your possible niche topics into a search engine

This is an important part of figuring out how to find your niche topic for your site. You want to see what people are searching for on the internet, and how popular your niche site could potentially become. Take that list of possible niche topics and one by one, plug those into the search engine (Google is a good starting place purely because it receives the most traffic in search engine terms). At the top or bottom of the page, you'll see how many results came up for that topic. Write the numbers down on your sheet of paper, next to the topics. Once you've gone through all the topics, see which one netted results that were about average. That is the one you want to use. Why? Because you don't want to pick a topic that is over or underused, as that only hurts your chances of building a successful niche site. You should be aiming at competition levels that are in the thousands - no more. If your search terms came back in the hundreds of thousands or low millions try and find a more specific aspect of these niches.

How to find your niche: Tip #3 - Pick your topic and see if you know enough about it to create relevant content

A very important part of discovering how to find your niche is thinking hard about the possible topics. You want to pick something that isn't going to be difficult to come up with content for. That's because you want to create web site content relevant to your niche so that people will want to come back to your site often. If you pick a topic that you simply cannot come up with content for, the site is going to fail because people won't want to read content that is dull, uninspired and often irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Perhaps you've picked a topic that you are familiar with and can easily come up with good content for. That's the ideal situation and you have figured out how to find your niche.

But what if you've picked a topic that you really don't know a whole lot about? What are your options then? Well, you could do what I do: I research the topic heavily and then try to write content from whatever I've read. It's a slow process, but it does work and is a good way to know how to find your niche (this doesn't yield the best results as book knowledge is never as good as actual experience).

Maybe you don't have time for research, or simply aren't a natural at writing (and most people aren't). If that's the case, you can simply hire someone to create content for you based on your niche keywords and topic. Using free lance writers offers an alternative; some of these can give you excellent, relevant content. Most of them are affordable and high quality, which is why it's such a good idea for you to outsource the content writing (but remember, a lot of them can't write or don't have English as their mother tongue so you need to choose carefully). I will of course deal with outsourcing in a later report but for now you know how to choose a niche. I do of course offer more information in my mini course; you'll find a link in the biography box.

About the Author

If you're just starting out in the niche marketing world or perhaps just not achieving the results you want, you should consider popping along to the Cash Sense site and having a look at my free five part mini course, you can find your FREE Mini Course Here

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:21 PM | link | 0 comments |

The Get CLEAR Process for Business Success

Have you been struggling to reach your goals and achieve the level of success you desire and deserve? Then use my Get CLEAR Process to get the results you want.

Clear the Clutter. The first step in the process is to eliminate the clutter that takes up physical and mental space in your life. Your goal is to make room for your future by getting rid of the excess "stuff" that creates chaos in your surroundings and clogs your mind with overwhelm.

To accomplish this, you'll want to first select an area to work on--whether that's your desk, your home office, or some other space that's in disarray--and then implement a sorting strategy to 1) throw away things you don't use or need; 2) give away or recycle items that someone else can use; and 3) place in file folders paperwork and other documents you need, and place in containers your tools of the trade and other supplies. Everything should have its own designated space so you can find things quickly and easily every time you need them.

Clearing the clutter frees up your mind to focus on matters that are really important to you. You'll be amazed at how much more time and energy you have to do the things you love and that bring you the highest return when you've purged your physical space and put systems in place to keep you organized for the long term.

Lighten Your Load. This next step involves taking inventory of your responsibilities, deciding which priorities are most important to help you accomplish your goals, and then either delegating those things that can be done by others so you're not trying to do everything yourself, or saying "no" to projects and obligations that prevent you from achieving your objectives.

Managing your time is key because it's easy to sabotage yourself by taking on too much. Pick your top three priorities and then set boundaries so you can stay focused and on track. Use a time blocking strategy to plot your scheduled tasks and stick to your schedule as much as possible. Treat yourself as if you are the client--you must get the work done, so focus on doing just that.

Another time management strategy is to build accountability into your system--enlist a buddy or a team member who will hold you responsible for achieving the goals you've set for yourself. This also means making sure that others don't overstep their bounds by expecting you to do things that are not in alignment with your priorities. Learn how to say "no."

Establish Your Goals. Your ultimate success relies on having, and reaching, a concrete set of goals. Using your top three priorities from the previous section, put your goals in writing and evaluate them against your responsibilities. Ask yourself: Are my goals specific? Are they measurable? Are they realistic?

You need to be very clear and concise about what outcomes you want to achieve, and what timelines are involved in getting from one milestone to the next. This will help guide you to accomplish tasks, measure your progress, and be accountable for your time. It also helps ensure that your goals are in alignment with the rest of your life. If not, you will continue to struggle with frustration and overwhelm as you try to find that balance, which brings us to the next step.

Align Your Goals. As you're establishing your goals and setting timelines, evaluating your current responsibilities against what your goals are, you will probably discover that you'll need to include other activities in your timeframe too, such as taking classes, creating joint venture partnerships, outsourcing projects, and building a team of people who can help you get from where you are to where you want to be. This is part of aligning your goals to make sure they fit with your life. Having a team and asking for their input also helps you learn what is and isn't working so you can make necessary changes and improvements in your systems and products.

Every year you'll want to revisit and realign your goals so that you're keeping up with industry trends and technological advances that can help you maximize your time and run your business more efficiently, which is how you align yourself for success.

Realize Your Potential. This is the result of all the work you've done so far: clearing the clutter, lightening your load, establishing and aligning your goals, so you are responsible for your own success. You are now able to use leverage to realize your potential--leveraging your time to increase productivity; leveraging other people's time and energy to accomplish tasks you delegate to them; creating partnerships with others so you can leverage their contacts and database to expand your market reach; leveraging your knowledge to create information products that are out there selling for you even when you're not working.

You are now focused, with accountability built into your system to keep you on track, and you're delegating, outsourcing, and using leverage to make the best use of your most precious resource--YOU. Now you can truly realize your potential by performing tasks that have higher payoff values because you've set a CLEAR course for success.

Want To Use This Article In Your Ezine or Website? You have my permission, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:

About the Author

Sheri McConnell (www.SheriMcConnell.com) is the President of the Association of Web Entrepreneurs (www.aweconnect.org). She helps entrepreneurs discover, create, and profit from their intellectual knowledge! Sheri lives in San Antonio, TX with her husband Seth and their four children. Contact her at awe@onebox or toll free at 866-361-9938.

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posted by Sharad Saxena, 10:15 PM | link | 0 comments |